WW Platform

Platform Releases

New features
You can activate a Honeypot Anti Spam solution in Options > Settings.
It’s possible now to activate an extra notification in Vitec when someone is interested.
We activated a support Chatbox in the WordPress dashboard.

We made it clearer if required fields are missing in the WordPress Admin.

We deferred more javascript to improve pagespeed.
We added a BETA (experimental) configuration for GTM for better pagespeed.

We made layout fixes in Filter list V1, Footer menu V1, Unified Header V4 modules.
We fixed the blurry image on mobile devices in Half Image V1.
Array values and ventilation values show right in Vitec now.

New module
We created a new module to build Tables both in Articles and Sections.

New features
You can set different widths for content text in Big banner.
We removed the text length limit in Testimonials.
We added more options for Mega Menus in Unified Header.
You can now change the zoom of the map in Half Google.
We improved our Infogrid module with more padding options.
Now you can add more links to Employees.

On Article V3 you can now choose to make the sidebar be in a box and/or to overlap the header.

Pagespeed improvement
Reduce the use of JS in our new Unified Header

UX/WCAG improvement
Improve the contrast of fonts and icons in both our footers Footer menu V1 and Footer menu V2.

Bugfixes on our more efficient Unified Header
Bugfix on Location Search
Bugfix on Form Upload

New features
More options with fonts and the height of the header in Header V4.

WCAG improvement
Put current page in view on Sub menu V1.
Descriptive text on the logo in the header and footer.

Fixed internal system on how we rewrite URL’s.
Fixed link interaction in Inspiration Module V1.

Clear different names for categories when working in the menu view.

New features
The sidebar can now overlap the header or get a border on Article V3.
Show related posts at the bottom of a single post with a new setting in News V2.
Integrated a new, more compact ”Mega Menu” in Header V4.
More support for YouTube embedding with support for Short and List links. (Example on scro.se)
Twitter/X icons got updated.

New module
A new section Jobs List V1 to list the new content type Jobs.
A new side section Job V1 to show job specific content.

SEO improvement
Improved internal procedures to change URLs for posttypes.

Bugfixes in the new Header V4.
Fixed a broken link in Inspiration Module V1.
Fixed bugs with dark layouts in News V2.

Under the hood
Cleaned up unneeded code.
Added a cache clearing function to reduce cache issues.

Pagespeed improvement
We minify the CSS/JS from the Cookie Plugin we use manually since the plugin developer doesn’t do this.

The new Header V4 got more fixes.
Bugs with the dark layouts in certain modules are fixed now.
Proofreading of posts is fixed in our Vitec solution.

New features
The Filter List V1 module can now sort the items on title or drag/drop order.
The Testimonials V1 you can now choose for bigger images, but they need to be uploaded with a 1:1 aspect ratio.
The Inline Boxes V1 can now have icon size images and SVG images.

Under the hood
Our Locations option (with or without PinMeToo) can be extended much easier without ending up with a custom module.

New module
We integrated a frequently requested custom module into Platform, called Inspiration Module V1.

Fixes in Event List with bugs with past events and double months.
Fixes in Filter List with special links and scope.
Fixes in Submenu with race condition.

New feature in the footer
The copyright in the Footer can now be overwritten.

Vitec update

Prices that are 0 kr in Vitec don’t show on the front-end anymore.

More information

On every module in Platform, we added an information link that will guide you to more information about just that module, on wasabiweb.se. You can also browse all existing modules.


Now you can show all posts in the News V2 modules. This is not recommended for UX, but might be an option in specific cases.


  • We fixed some bugs in our newest, more flexible, header module.
  • We updated our PinMeTo solution according to their newest API.
  • We fixed a bug with dates in Newslist V2.

Filter list module got som new possibilities

You can now:

  • use it with more Content Types
  • hide categories
  • choose how many items you want per row on desktop
  • drag and drop in the Admin to change to initial order


  • Solved an issue in Vitec API with double data.
  • Solved an issue with Global Modules in combination with Article modules.

A new Header module

A first version of our our new Header module. This one will be more flexible and overtime replace V1,2,3.
This will give the clients more flexibility in how to build their menu and make changes to it without major implications.

We made som internal improvements for a quicker setup for sites.
We also add a functionality that enables us to reduce our JS and CSS code from our Plugin and Theme.

Filter list improvements

  • You can now edit the ”Choose category” text.
  • The boxes are now aligned with equal heights.


  • A work-around was added for a bug in the Vitec API with the object status values.
  • Support for more values from Vitec.

Globals module

A warning is added to this module to use this carefully.
Using this module too often will result in bad SEO, because of too much duplicate content.


  • Fixed an alignment issue with some buttons in the Inline boxes module.
  • Fixed an issue with our aria-label implementation for better UX purpose.
  • Fixed an issue with the News List modules when using dark backgrounds in some cases.


We improved some internal processes on how we deploy and do quality control on all of our Platform sites.

Filter List
We created a new module Filter List V1 where you can list pages from a certain type, with a dynamic filter that can be a list of links or a dropdown.

Exampel 1: A list of pages, with just text, no images and a list of links to filter.

Exampel 2: A list of pages, with images and a dropdown list to filter.


We patched code injection security risks.

We improved the SEO around pagination of articles.

We speed up some internal processes and improved font rendering.
Some preparations were done for future documentation of Platform.

File list
The module Files and Links V1 got extra layout options added to the presentation of the file list.
Now you can list files into columns or even list them next to the title.

We patched a security risk with the search function.

Small bug fixes were done on the Globals function (See 3.0.2)

Preparations were made for further improvements on the inner workings of Platform.

We added even more features to the News List V1 and V2 modules. Now you can hide categories and dates.
We also added support for Finnish Cision feeds.

Paginated content will be excluded from SEO. This will improve the overall SEO rating.

We created a Vitec Sold V1 module where you can list the latest sold items.
We also added extra fields from Vitec.

  • Renovations
  • Netto debt details

Preparations were made for future improvements under Platform’s hood.

In this update we bundled a lot of great new improvements:

A new service which will improve they way you can edit your site. You are now able to add reoccurring modules in one place and add them on whatever page, on whatever position in your site by adding a placeholder for it. When you update that global module, it will update everywhere you added a placeholder for that module.

Search module
You can now add a search box everywhere on your site with the Search Input V1 module. This will make it easier and more obvious for your visitors to search the site. You can even narrow the search down to just search in news items, products, employees, …

We added more layout options on the News List V1 and V2 modules, giving you more freedom on the style.

We also added Finnish support in our Cision solution now.
The Welcome Dashboard got a clean up and we highlight our growing WW Kundzon service.

We fixed some bugs in the new PinMeTo solution and in Vitec.

We made a PinMeTo integration that works together with our recent update with locations in 2.10.8

This way you can connect your locations saved in PinMeTo to your Platform website, to list out offices, members, shops, restaurants, …

Here are some examples with PinMeTo

WW Platform 3.0 is a huge step forward. This will enable Wasabiweb for much greater improvements in WW Platform in the near future and will result in a far more direct support for you. A lot of the changes to 3.0 are done in the background and you, as a client, will not notice so much just now. What will change for you are the following things:

Updates of plugins and WordPress
We opened WW Platform more. You can now updated plugins and WordPress yourself without needing our support. This way, your site will be even more up to date than ever. We’ll keep track of the versions in our new internal tool as well and intervene if a major updates are necessary. No coder will be needed anymore to resolve this in te future. You can also add plugins yourself now. Note though that that doesn’t mean that all plugins will work out-of-the-box with WW Platform. Some might need extra development.

Getting live updates
As soon as your site will get update to version equal or higher then 3.0 you will get live updates on WW Platform. As soon as we make new modules, new features, fix bugs, you will get them straight away the second we deploy them. No more waiting time until we upgrade your site. This way, it could be nice to keep track of all updates on our site. We’re planning on building a mailinglist you can subscribe to too.

Because we will need less and less developers for small issues and updates, we will be able to help you quicker in support. Even if we need to code something for you, deploying that into your life site goes quicker than ever before.

Keep tuned in for future updates! For those using RSS feeds can already use this feed for now.

  • Module: We made a couple of new updates for our new content type ”locations”. This way you can visualise multiple restaurants, offices, shops in a list on a map with
    the Location Search V1 module.  (This requires Google API Keys linked to an account with billing details).

  • Feature: We also updated the Logos V1 to be able to change the padding according to other modules.

  • Feature: You can now set the title sizes on many modules to 50% too.

  • Feature: Contact details in the footer can now be replaced by a free text field.
  • Bugfix: Fix Platform to work together with the updated Page Ordering plugin.
  • Feature: The update in 2.9.9 to hide the date on news items got extended to the other modules that list news items.
  • Internal: We opened up the back-end to have more possibilities on how we can send mail. This update will make it possible that Platform will be able to work together with more plugins that improve the delivery of mails.
  • Vitec: We created a new module Vitec Sold V1 to show recently sold objects.

Vitec Sold

  • Feature: We added a default styling to use <pre> and <code> in the editor.
The <pre> tag can be used to style a whole block of text.

The <code> tag can be used to just style an inline text part.

  • Bugfix: Fixing a banner preload issue.
  • Bugfix: Fixing an issue with the slider functions.
  • Feature: We wrote some experimental functions to do exceptional cache solutions on problematic pages.
  • Feature: We added TikTok as a social media option in Options > General to add in the footer

  • Bugfix: An issue with the pagination on the search result page is resolved now.
  • Internal: We locked the ACF Pro plugin, so it can’t be disabled, since WW Platform needs this module to work.
  • Feature: Now you can hide the date on News List V3. Since this module is used to often show relevant related news articles, some clients prefer to not show the date that is less relevant in this case. Just check the ”Hide date” in the Layout tab of the module.

  • Vitec: Remove double tax data on some objects.
  • Feature: Update external link support in extra menu in Header V2 and V3.

  • Internal: Clean up deprecated code on archive settings.
  • Feature:  Possible to add icons next to the text on Half Image V1 module.

  • Feature: Until now, this check ”Hide single pages” would only prevent single pages to be clickable on the archive page. But from now on, the single pages will redirect (302) to the archive page if it is checked. If you want to remove them from the sitemap, you need to set the no-follow flag in Yoast SEO.

  • Bugfix: Fixing a bug when searching for password protected pages.
  • Admin: Improvement on how we work with Google API Keys in the WordPress Administration.
  • Internal: Not all updates are for our clients. Sometimes we update something that will improve our life as developers as well. This update will make the setup process for new projects easier and faster.
  • Feature – Improve the rendering of SVG logos and icons.
  • Admin – We fixed some layout issues and bugs in the Admin. From now on, every user can choose its own language in the Admin. Go to Users > All Users and choose the User for which you want to change the language. ( See screenshot below ) Note that WW Platform functions and other plugins might still be only available in English.

change user language

  • Internal – Improve internal upgrade process.
  • Bugfix – Fixed a bug in the Fastlinks V3 module and all modules using sliders.

  • Vitec – Added more data to Operations and Interior for objecttypes other than Vilas.
  • Cache – A little bugfix in how we deal with cache and how we clear it.
  • Vitec – Upgrade on our Vitec connection to show more data on ”Farms” and other objects with multiple buildings.

  • WordPress Admin – Small fixes to the layout of the Admin.
  • Update – The popular FAQ V1 module in Articles is also available as a normal Section now. So you can Add an FAQ outside an Article now. (See screenshot)

  • Event List V1 – Able to filter out passed events in module settings when filters are active in front-end.

  • Bugfix for an issue in the caching system that would stop menus and some other special pages from saving.
  • New feature that improves Cache solutions for client specific custom modules.
  • SEO improvement that removes an unnecessary redirects in the menu when using WPML.

  • New feature that improves Custom Post Types (CPT) with the possibility for listed content without having their own pages.
  • New module called Visitors Feedback V1 to collect quick, low threshold feedback from visitors. This can provide raw but valuable insight in what visitors expect from the site.
  • Bugfix in the Submenu module with fading colors.


Följ vad som händer i WW Platform

Varje säsong skickar vi en update av vad som har ändrat i WW Platform. Vilka ny features som finns, eventuellt nya moduler, förbättringar kring Pagespeed, Tillgänglighet och SEO och mycket mer.

  • Prenumerera


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