Platform release 3.0.2

In this update we bundled a lot of great new improvements:

A new service which will improve they way you can edit your site. You are now able to add reoccurring modules in one place and add them on whatever page, on whatever position in your site by adding a placeholder for it. When you update that global module, it will update everywhere you added a placeholder for that module.

Search module
You can now add a search box everywhere on your site with the Search Input V1 module. This will make it easier and more obvious for your visitors to search the site. You can even narrow the search down to just search in news items, products, employees, …

We added more layout options on the News List V1 and V2 modules, giving you more freedom on the style.

We also added Finnish support in our Cision solution now.
The Welcome Dashboard got a clean up and we highlight our growing WW Kundzon service.

We fixed some bugs in the new PinMeTo solution and in Vitec.


Följ vad som händer i WW Platform

Varje säsong skickar vi en update av vad som har ändrat i WW Platform. Vilka ny features som finns, eventuellt nya moduler, förbättringar kring Pagespeed, Tillgänglighet och SEO och mycket mer.

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