Platform release 3.0.0

WW Platform 3.0 is a huge step forward. This will enable Wasabiweb for much greater improvements in WW Platform in the near future and will result in a far more direct support for you. A lot of the changes to 3.0 are done in the background and you, as a client, will not notice so much just now. What will change for you are the following things:

Updates of plugins and WordPress
We opened WW Platform more. You can now updated plugins and WordPress yourself without needing our support. This way, your site will be even more up to date than ever. We’ll keep track of the versions in our new internal tool as well and intervene if a major updates are necessary. No coder will be needed anymore to resolve this in te future. You can also add plugins yourself now. Note though that that doesn’t mean that all plugins will work out-of-the-box with WW Platform. Some might need extra development.

Getting live updates
As soon as your site will get update to version equal or higher then 3.0 you will get live updates on WW Platform. As soon as we make new modules, new features, fix bugs, you will get them straight away the second we deploy them. No more waiting time until we upgrade your site. This way, it could be nice to keep track of all updates on our site. We’re planning on building a mailinglist you can subscribe to too.

Because we will need less and less developers for small issues and updates, we will be able to help you quicker in support. Even if we need to code something for you, deploying that into your life site goes quicker than ever before.

Keep tuned in for future updates! For those using RSS feeds can already use this feed for now.


Följ vad som händer i WW Platform

Varje säsong skickar vi en update av vad som har ändrat i WW Platform. Vilka ny features som finns, eventuellt nya moduler, förbättringar kring Pagespeed, Tillgänglighet och SEO och mycket mer.

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