Platform release 3.1.3

Pagespeed improvement
We minify the CSS/JS from the Cookie Plugin we use manually since the plugin developer doesn’t do this.

The new Header V4 got more fixes.
Bugs with the dark layouts in certain modules are fixed now.
Proofreading of posts is fixed in our Vitec solution.

New features
The Filter List V1 module can now sort the items on title or drag/drop order.
The Testimonials V1 you can now choose for bigger images, but they need to be uploaded with a 1:1 aspect ratio.
The Inline Boxes V1 can now have icon size images and SVG images.

Under the hood
Our Locations option (with or without PinMeToo) can be extended much easier without ending up with a custom module.

New module
We integrated a frequently requested custom module into Platform, called Inspiration Module V1.


Följ vad som händer i WW Platform

Varje säsong skickar vi en update av vad som har ändrat i WW Platform. Vilka ny features som finns, eventuellt nya moduler, förbättringar kring Pagespeed, Tillgänglighet och SEO och mycket mer.

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